Beilock's Human Performance Lab

Work in our lab sits at the intersection of cognitive science and education

We explore the cognitive and neural substrates driving learning as well as the mechanisms by which performance breaks down in high-stress or high-pressure situations. We use converging methodologies in our research – ranging from behavioral performance measures (e.g., reaction time and accuracy), to physiological measures of stress (e.g., salivary cortisol), to neuroimaging techniques (e.g., fMRI). In addition to answering basic questions about cognition, our goal is to inform educational practice and policy.

Select Publications


Jenifer, J.B., Levine, S.C. & Beilock, S.L. Studying while anxious: mathematics anxiety and the avoidance of solving practice problems during exam preparation in college calculus. ZDM Mathematics Education (2022).

Jenifer, J. B., Rozek, C. S., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2022). Effort(less) exam preparation: Math anxiety predicts the avoidance of effortful study strategies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication.



Schaeffer, M. W., Rozek, C. S., Maloney, E. A., Berkowitz, T., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2021). Elementary school teachers’ math anxiety and students’ math learning: A large‐scale replication. Developmental Science. (PDF)


Pantoja, N., Schaeffer, M. W., Rozek, C. S., Beilock, S. L., & Levine, S. C. (2020). Children’s Math Anxiety Predicts Their Math Achievement Over and Above a Key Foundational Math Skill. Journal of Cognition and Development. (PDF)

Kardan, O., Layden, E., Choe, K. W., Lyu, M., Zhang, X., Beilock, S. L., Rosenberg, M. D., & Berman, M. G. (2020). Scale-invariance in brain activity predicts practice effects in cognitive performance. BioRxiv. (PDF).



Choe, K. W., Jenifer, J. B., Rozek, C. S., Berman, M. G., & Beilock, S. L. (2019). Calculated avoidance: Math anxiety predicts math avoidance in effort-based decision-making. Science advances. (PDF).

Kyoung W., Jenifer, J. B., Rozek, C. S., Berman, M. G., & Beilock, S. L. (in press). Calculated Avoidance: Math Anxiety Predicts Math Avoidance in Effort-Based Decision-Making. (in press). Science advances

Herts, J.B., Beilock, S.L. & Levine, S.C. (2019) The role of parents’ and teachers’ math anxiety in children’s math learning and attitudes. In A. Dowker, I. Mammarella & S. Caviola. Mathematics Anxiety. Routledge

Rozek, C. S., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2019). The role of anxiety and motivation in students’ maths and science achievement. In P. Kuhl (Eds.) Developing Minds in the Digital Age: Towards a Science of Learning for 21st Century Education. Educational Research and Innovation, OECD Publishing, Paris.  (PDF)

Rozek, C. S., Ramirez, G., Fine, R. D., & Beilock, S. L. (2019). Reducing Socioeconomic Disparities in the STEM Pipeline Through Student Emotion Regulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116(5), 1553-1558 (PDF)


Lyons, I. M., Beilock, S. L. (2018) Characterizing the neural coding of symbolic quantities. Neuroimage. 178, 503-518 (PDF)

Lyons, I. M., Ramirez, G., Maloney, E. A., Rendina, D. N., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2018). Spatial Anxiety: A novel questionnaire with subscales for measuring three aspects of spatial anxiety. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 4(3), 526-553 (PDF)

Ramirez, G., Fries, L., Gunderson, E., Schaeffer, M. W., Maloney, E. A., Beilock, S. L., & Levine, S. C. (2018). Reading anxiety: An early affective impediment to children’s success in reading. Journal of Cognition and Development, 20(1), 15-34 (PDF)

Schaeffer, M. W., Rozek, C. S., Berkowitz, T., Levine, S. C, & Beilock, S. L. (2018). Dis-associating the relation between parents’ math anxiety and children’s math achievement: Long-term effects of a math app intervention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(12), 1782 (PDF)

Berkowitz, T., Schaeffer, M. W., Rozek, C. S., Beilock, S. L., & Levine, S. C (2018). Supporting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Learning by Helping Families Overcome Math Anxiety. In M. Caspe, T. Woods, and L. Kennedy (Eds.) Promising Practices for Engaging Families in STEM Learning. Information Age Publishing. (PDF)

Gunderson, E.A., Park, D., Maloney, E.A., Beilock, S. L., & Levine, S.C. (2018). Reciprocal relations among motivational frameworks, math anxiety, and math achievement in early elementary school. Journal of Cognition and Development, 19(1), 21-46 (PDF)


Chang, H., Sprute, L., Maloney, E.A., Beilock, S.L, & Berman, M.G. (2017). SImple arithmetic: not so simple for highly math anxious individuals. Social cognitive and affective nueroscience, 12(12), 1940-1949. (PDF)

Herts, J.B., & Beilock, S.L. (2017) From Janet T Spence’s manifest anxiety scale to the present day: Exploring math anxiety and its relation to math achievement. Sex Roles, 77 (11-12), 718-724 (PDF)

Beilock, S.L., Schaeffer, M.W., & Rozek, C.S. (2017). Understanding and addressing performance anxiety. In A.J. Elliot, C.S. Dweck, & D.S. Yeager (Eds.), Handbook of Competence and Motivation (2nd Edition): Theory and Application. Guilford Press. (PDF)

Henry, A., Sattizahn, J.R. Norman, G.J., Beilock, S.L., & Maestripieri, D. (2017) Performance during competition outcome in relation to testosterone and cortisol among women. Hormones and Behavior  (PDF)

Foley, A.E.*, Herts, J.B.*, Borgonovi, F., Guerriero, S., Levine, S.C., & Beilock, S.L. (2017). The Math Anxiety-Performance Link: A Global Phenomenon. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26(1). (PDF)

Park, D., Schaeffer, M. W., Nolla, K., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2017). How do generic statements impact performance? Evidence for entity beliefs. Developmental Science. (PDF)


Sattizahn, J.R., Moser, J.S., & Beilock, S.L. (2016) A Closer Look at Who “Chokes Under Pressure”. Journal of Applied REsearch in Memory and Cognition, 5(4), 470-477. (PDF)

Chang, H., & Beilock, S. L. (2016). The math anxiety-math performance link and its relation to individual and environmental factors: a review of current behavioral and psychophysiological research. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 10, 33-38. (PDF)

Park, D., Gunderson, E.A., Tsukayama, E., Levine, S.C., & Beilock, S.L (2016). Young children’s motivational frameworks and math achievement: Relation to teacher-reported instructional practices, but not teacher theory of intelligence. Journal of Educational Psychology,108(3), 300-313. (PDF)

Berkowitz, T., Schaeffer, M.W., Rozek, C.S., Maloney, E.A., Levine, S.C., & Beilock, S.L. (2016). Response to comment on “Math at home adds up to achievement in school.” Science, 351(6278), 1161. (PDF)

Ramirez, G., Chang, H., Maloney, E.A., Levine, S.C., & Beilock, S.L. (2016). On the relationship between math anxiety and math achievement in early elementary school: The role of problem solving strategies. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 141, 83-100. (PDF)

Sprute, L., & Beilock, S. L. (2016). Math anxiety in community college students. MathAMATYC Educator, 7, 39-45. (PDF)


Maloney, E. A., Converse, B. A., Gibbs, C. R., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2015). Jump-Starting Early Childhood Education at Home Early Learning, Parent Motivation, and Public Policy. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(6), 727-732. (PDF)

Berkowitz, T.*, Schaeffer, M. W.*, Maloney, E. A., Peterson, L., Gregor, C., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2015). Math at home adds up to achievement in school. Science, 350(6257), 196-198. (PDF)

Beilock, S.L. & Maloney, E.A. (2015). Math Anxiety: A Factor in Math Achievement Not to Be Ignored. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2(1), 4-12. (PDF)

Maloney, E.A., Ramirez, G., Gunderson, E.A., Levine, S.C., & Beilock, S.L. (2015). Intergenerational Effects of Low Math Achievement and High Math Anxiety. Psychological Science(PDF)

Sattizahn, J. R., Lyons, D. J., Kontra, C., Fischer, S. M. & Beilock, S. L. (2015). In Physics Education: Perception Matters. Mind, Brain, and Education, 9(3), 164-169. (PDF)

Kontra, C., Lyons, D., Fischer, S. & Beilock, S.L. (2015). Physical experience enhances science learning. Psychological Science 0956797615569355. (PDF)

Trofatter, C., Kontra, C., Beilock, S.L., & Goldin-Meaow, S. (2015). Gesturing has a larger impact on problem-solving than action, even when action is accompanied by words. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 30,3. (PDF)

Lyons, I. M., Ansari, D., & Beilock, S. L. (2015). Qualitatively different coding of symbolic and nonsymbolic numbers in the human brain. Human Brain Mapping, 36, 475-488. (PDF)


Maloney, E., Sattizahn, J. & Beilock, S.L. (2014). Anxiety and Cognition. WIREs Cognitive Science, 5(4), 403-411. (PDF)

Park, D., Ramirez, G., & Beilock, S.L. (2014). The Role of Expressive Writing in Math Anxiety. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. (PDF)

Woods, E.A., Hernandez, A.E., Wagner, V.E., & Beilock, S.L. (2014). Expert athletes activate somatosensory and motor planning regions of the brain when passively listening to familiar sports sounds. Brain and Cognition, 87, 122-133. (PDF)


Marras, W.S., Beerbower, D., Beilock, S.L. (2013). Improving self-escape from underground coal mines. National Research Council of the National Academies.

Beilock, S.L., & Fischer, S.M. (2013). From cognitive sciences to physics education and back. Physics Education Research conference Proceedings.

Lyons, I.M., & Beilock, S.L. (2013). Ordinality and the Nature of Symbolic Numbers. Journal of Neuroscience. (PDF)

Gunderson, E. A., Ramirez, G., Beilock, S. L., & Levine, S. C. (2013). Teachers’ spatial anxiety relates to 1st – and 2nd – graders’ spatial learning. Mind, Brain and Education. (PDF)

Jackson, R., Beilock, S.L., & Kinrade, N.P. (2013). “Choking” in sport. In D. Farrow, J. Baker, and C. MacMahon (Eds.), Developing Sport Expertise: Researchers and Coaches Put Theory Into Practice (pp. 177-190). Routledge.

Maloney, E., Schaeffer, M., & Beilock, S. L. (2013). Mathematics anxiety and stereotype threat: Shared mechanisms, negative consequences, and promising interventions. Research in Mathematics Education. (PDF)

Beilock, S.L. (2013). Expert performance: From action to perception to understanding. In J.J. Staszewski (Ed.), Expertise and Skill Acquisition: The impact of William G. Chase (pp. 281-98). New York: Psychology Press.

Ramirez, G., Gunderson, E. A., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2013). Math anxiety, working memory and math achievement in early elementary school. Journal of Cognition and Development. (PDF)

Ping, R., Beilock, S. L., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2013). Understanding Gesture: Is the listener’s motor system involved? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. (PDF)


Mattarella-Micke, A., & Beilock, S.L. (2012). Individual differences in working memory: Implications for learning and performance. In N.M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (p. 4300). Springer.

Beilock, S. L., & Gray, R. (2012). From Attentional Control to Attentional Spillover: A skill-level investigation of attention, movement, and performance outcomes. Human Movement Science, 31(6),1473-1499. (PDF)

Lyons, I. M., Ansari, D., & Beilock, S. L. (2012). Symbolic Estrangement: Evidence against a strong association between numerical symbols and the quantities they represent. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141(4), 635-641. (PDF)

Kontra, C. E., Goldin-Meadow, S., & Beilock, S. L. (2012). Embodied Learning Across the Life Span.Topics in Cognitive Science, 4, 731-739. (PDF)

Lyons, I. M., & Beilock, S. L. (2012). When Math Hurts: Math Anxiety Predicts Pain Network Activation in Anticipation of Doing Math. PLOS ONE. (PDF)

Quandt, L. C., Marshall, P. J., Shipley, T. F., Beilock, S. L., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2012). Sensitivity of alpha and beta oscillations to sensorimotor characteristics of action: An EEG study of action production and gesture observation. Neuropsychologia, 50, 2745-2751. (PDF)

Gunderson, E. A., Ramirez, G., Beilock, S. L., & Levine, S. C. (2012). The relation between spatial skills and early number knowledge: The role of the linear number line. Developmental Psychology. (PDF)

Kontra, C. E., Albert, N., & Beilock, S. L. (2012). Embodied cognition: From the playing field to the classroom. In A. M. Williams, N. J. Hodges, M. A. Scott, & M. L. J. Court (Eds.), Skill acquisition in sport: Research, theory and practice (2nd Edition). Routledge. (PDF)

Maloney, E. A., & Beilock, S. L. (2012). Math anxiety: Who has it, why it develops, and how to guard against it. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 16, 404-406.  (PDF)

Gunderson, E. A., Ramirez, G., Levine, S. C., Beilock, S. L. (2012). New directions for research on the role of parents and teachers in the development of gender-related math attitudes: Response to commentaries. Sex Roles, 66, 191-196. (PDF)

Gunderson, E. A., Ramirez, G., Levine, S. C., Beilock, S. L. (2012). The role of parents and teachers in the development of gender-related math attitudes. Sex Roles. (PDF)

Cartmill, E., Goldin-Meadow, S., & Beilock, S. L. (2012). A word in the hand: Human gesture links representations to actions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. (PDF)

Allen, E. C., Beilock, S. L., & Shevell, S. K. (2012). Individual differences in simultaneous color constancy are related to working memory. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 29, A52-A59. (PDF)

Schmader, T., & Beilock, S.L. (2012). Mechanisms: An integration of processes that underlie stereotype threat. In T. Schmader & M. Inzlicht (Eds.), Stereotype Threat: Theory, Process, and Application. Oxford University Press. (PDF)

Ramirez, G., Gunderson, E. A., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2012). Spatial anxiety relates to spatial skills as a function of working memory in children. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. (PDF)


Lyons, I. M., & Beilock, S. L. (2011). Mathematics anxiety: Separating the math from the anxiety.Cerebral Cortex. (PDF)

Lyons, I., & Beilock, S. L. (2011). Numerical ordering ability mediates the relation between number-sense and arithmetic competence. Cognition. (PDF)

Hernandez, A. E., Mattarella-Micke, A., Redding, R.W.T.,  Woods, E.A. & Beilock, S. L. (2011). Age of Acquisition in Sport: Starting Early Matters. American Journal of Psychology. (PDF)

DeCaro, M. S., Thomas, R., Albert, N. B., & Beilock, S. L. (2011). Choking under pressure: Multiple routes to skill failure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. (PDF)

Mattarella-Micke, A., Mateo, J., Kozak, M. N., Foster, K., & Beilock, S. L. (2011). Choke or thrive? The relation between salivary cortisol and math performance depends on individual differences in working memory and math anxiety. Emotion. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. (2011). Back to school: Dealing with academic stress. APA Psychological Science Agenda. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. & Ramirez, G. (2011). On the interplay between emotion and cognitive control: Implications for enhancing academic achievement. In J. Mestre & B. Ross (Eds.), The Psychology of Learning and Motivation (pp. 137-169). Elsevier. (PDF)

Allen, E. C., Beilock, S. L., & Shevell, S. K. (2011). Working memory is related to perceptual processing: A case from color perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. & Ramirez, G. (2011). Practical implications of test anxiety tools: A response. Science, 332, 791-792. (PDF)

Gray, R., & Beilock, S. L. (2011). Hitting is contagious: Expertise and action induction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. (PDF)

Yang, S., & Beilock, S. L. (2011). Seeing and doing: Ability to act moderates orientation effects in object perception. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. (PDF)

Ramirez, G., & Beilock, S. L. (2011). Writing About Testing Worries Boosts Exam Performance in the Classroom.  Science, 331, 211-213. (FULL TEXT)

Beilock, S. L., & Hohmann, T. (2011). Embodied cognition “Ein Ansatz fur die Sportpsychologie.” Zeitschrift fur Sportpsychologie, 17, 120-129.


Beilock, S. L., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2010). Gesture changes thought by grounding it in action.Psychological Science, 21, 1605-1611. (PDF)

Goldin-Meadow, S., & Beilock, S. L. (2010). Action’s influence on thought: The case of gesture.Perspectives on Psychological Science.(PDF)

Beilock, S. L., Gunderson, L. A., Ramirez, G., & Levine, S. C. (2010). Reply to Plante et al.: Girls’ math achievement is related to their female teachers’ math anxiety. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 107, E80. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., Gunderson, E. A., Ramirez, G., & Levine, S. C. (2010). Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesUSA107(5), 1060-1063. (PDF)

DeCaro, M. S., & Beilock, S. L. (2010). The benefits and perils of attentional control. In M. Csikszentmihalyi and B. Bruya (Eds.). Effortless Attention: A New Perspective in the Cognitive Science of Attention and Action. MIT Press. (PDF)

DeCaro, M. S., Rotar, K. E., Kendra, M. S., & Beilock, S. L. (2010). Diagnosing and alleviating the impact of performance pressure on mathematical problem solving. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Experimental Psychology63(8), 1619-1630. (PDF)

Lyons, I., Cieslak, M., Mattarella-Micke, A., Nusbaum, H., Small, S., & Beilock, S. L. (2010). Neural processing of action-related language. Brain & Language, 112, 214-222. (PDF)

Mattarella-Micke, A., & Beilock, S. L. (2010). Situating math problems: The story matters. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17(1), 106-111. (PDF)


Lyons, I., & Beilock, S. L. (2009). Beyond quantity: Individual differences in working memory and the ordinal understanding of numerical symbols. Cognition, 113, 189-204. (PDF)

Yang, S., Gallo, D., &  Beilock, S. L. (2009). Embodied memory judgments: A case of motor fluency.Journal of Experiment Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 35, 1359-1365. (PDF)

DeCaro, M. S., Carlson, K. D., Thomas, R. D., & Beilock, S. L. (2009). When and How Less is More: Reply to Tharp & Pickering. Cognition, 111, 391-403. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. (2009). Grounding cognition in action: Expertise, comprehension, and judgment. In M. Raab, J. Johnson, & H. Heekeren (Eds.), Mind and Motion: The Bidirectional Link between Thought and Action. Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier. (PDF)

Rydell, B. J., McConnell, A. R., & Beilock, S. L. (2009). Multiple social identities and stereotype threat: Imbalance, accessibility, and working memory. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 96, 949-966. (PDF)

Ping, R., Dhillon, S., & Beilock, S. L. (2009). Reach for what you like: The body’s role in shaping preferences. Emotion Review, 1, 140-150. (PDF)


Beilock, S. L. & Lyons, I. M. (2008). Expertise and the mental simulation of action. In K. Markman, B. Klein, and J. Suhr (Eds.), The Handbook of Imagination and Mental Simulation (pp. 21-34). Psychology Press. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., Bertenthal, B. I., Hoerger, M., & Carr, T. H. (2008). When does haste make waste? Expertise, speed vs. accuracy instructions, and the tools of the trade. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied14, 340-352. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. (2008). Math performance in stressful situations. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17, 339-343. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., Lyons, I. M., Mattarella-Micke, A., Nusbaum, H. C., & Small, S. L. (2008). Sports experience changes the neural processing of action language. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesUSA105, 13269–13273. (PDF)

Jackson, R., & Beilock, S. L. (2008). Attention and performance. In D. Farrow, J. Baker, and C. MacMahon (Eds.), Developing elite sports performers: Lessons from theory and practice. (pp.104-118)Routledge. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., & Gonso, S. (2008). Putting in the mind vs. putting on the green: Expertise, performance time, and the linking of imagery and action. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Experimental Psychology, 61, 920-932. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. (2008). Beyond the playing field: Sports psychology meets embodied cognition.International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1, 19-30. (PDF)

DeCaro, M. S., Thomas, R., & Beilock, S. L. (2008). Individual differences in category learning: Sometimes less working memory capacity is better than more. Cognition107, 284-294. (PDF)


Sibley, B. A. & Beilock, S. L. (2007). Exercise and working memory: An individual differences investigation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 29, 783-791. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., & DeCaro, M. S. (2007). From poor performance to success under stress: Working memory, strategy selection, and mathematical problem solving under pressure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 33, 983-998. (PDF)

Gray, R., Beilock, S. L., & Carr, T. H. (2007). “As soon as the bat met the ball, I knew it was gone”: Outcome prediction, hindsight bias, and the representation and control of action in novice and expert baseball players. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 669-675. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. (2007). Choking under pressure. In R. Baumeister and K. Vohs (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social psychology. Sage Publications. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. (2007). Understanding skilled performance: Memory, attention, and “choking under pressure.” In Morris, Terry, and Gordon (Eds.), Sport & Exercise Psychology: International Perspectives (pp. 153-166).Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology. (PDF)

DeCaro, M. S., & Wieth, M., & Beilock, S. L. (2007). Methodologies for examining problem solving success and failure. Methods, 42, 58-67 (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., Rydell, R. J., & McConnell, A. R. (2007). Stereotype threat and working memory: Mechanisms, alleviation, and spill over. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 136, 256-276.(PDF)

Beilock, S. L., & Gray, R. (2007). Why do athletes “choke” under pressure? In G. Tenenbaum and R.C. Eklund (Eds.), Handbook of sport psychology, 3rd Ed. (pp. 425-444). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. & Holt, L. E. (2007). Embodied preference judgments: Can likeability be driven by the motor system? Psychological Science, 18, 51-57. (PDF)


Holt, L. E. & Beilock, S. L. (2006). Expertise and its embodiment: Examining the impact of sensorimotor skill expertise on the representation of action-related text. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13, 694-701. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., & Feltz, D. L. (2006). Self efficacy and expertise. In N. Hagemann, M. Tietjens, & B. Strauss (Eds.), The psychology of peak performance in sports (pp. 156-174). Götteingen, Germany: Hogrefe Publishers.

Beilock, S. L., Jellison, W. A., Rydell, R. J., McConnell, A. R., & Carr, T. H. (2006). On the causal mechanisms of stereotype threat: Can skills that don’t rely heavily on working memory still be threatened? Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1059-1071.(PDF)


Beilock, S. L. & Carr, T. H. (2005). When high-powered people fail: Working memory and “choking under pressure” in math. Psychological Science16, 101-105. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. (2005). Choking under pressure. In R. M. Bartlett, C. Gratton, and C. Rolf (Eds.),Encyclopedia of international sports studies (pp. 258-359; see also 1462-1463). Routledge.

Beilock, S. L. (2005). Controlled and automatic processing. In R. M. Bartlett, C. Gratton, and C. Rolf (Eds.), Encyclopedia of international sports studies (pp. 209-210). Routledge.


Beilock, S. L., & Carr, T. H. (2004). From novice to expert performance: Attention, memory, and the control of complex sensorimotor skills. In A. M. Williams, N. J. Hodges, M. A. Scott, & M. L. J. Court (Eds.), Skill acquisition in sport: Research, theory and practice (pp. 309-328). Routledge. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L. & McConnell, A. R. (2004). Stereotype threat and sport: Can athletic performance be threatened? Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology26, 597-609. (PDF)

Beilock, S.L., Bertenthal, B.I., McCoy, A.M. & Carr, T.H. (2004). Haste does not always make waste: Expertise, direction of attention and speed versus accuracy in performing sensorimotor skills.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review11, 373-379. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., Kulp, C. A., Holt, L. E., & Carr, T. H. (2004). More on the fragility of performance: Choking under pressure in mathematical problem solving. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General133, 584-600. (PDF)


Beilock, S. L., Wierenga, S. A., & Carr, T. H. (2003). Memory and expertise: What do experienced athletes remember? In J. L. Starkes and K. A. Ericsson (Eds.), Expert performance in sports: Advances in research on sport expertise (pp. 295-320). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. (PDF)


Beilock, S. L., Wierenga, S. A., & Carr, T. H. (2002). Expertise, attention, and memory in sensorimotor skill execution: Impact of novel task constraints on dual-task performance and episodic memory. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Experimental Psychology, 55, 1211-1240. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., Carr, T. H., MacMahon, C., & Starkes, J. L. (2002). When paying attention becomes counterproductive: Impact of divided versus skill-focused attention on novice and experienced performance of sensorimotor skills. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 8, 6-16.  (PDF)


Beilock, S. L., & Carr, T. H. (2001). On the fragility of skilled performance: What governs choking under pressure? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130, 701-725. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., Afremow, J. A., Rabe, A. L., & Carr, T. H. (2001). “Don’t miss!” The debilitating effects of suppressive imagery on golf putting performance. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology23, 200-221. (PDF)

Beilock, S. L., Feltz, D. L., & Pivarnik, J. M. (2001). Training patterns of athletes during pregnancy and postpartum. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 72, 39-46. (PDF)

* indicates co-first authors

Other Writing

Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2016). A Small Dose of Bedtime Math Goes A Long Way. Brookings.
Beilock, S. L., & Willingham, D. T. (2014). Math Anxiety: Can Teachers Help Students Reduce It? American Educator.
Beilock, S. L. (2011). Back to school: Dealing with academic stress. APA Psychological Science Agenda. September, 2011.
Beilock, S. L. (2007). Closing the racial achievement gap. Scientific